Thousand Helmets

The founder, Gloria Hwang of Thousand gave the Californian company its name as a goal of helping to save 1000 lives by making helmets people actually want to wear. Launched on Kickstarter in 2015, the Thousand Heritage range has become a very popular retro-style half-shell helmet choice amongst cyclists and onewheel riders.

Thousand is a public Benefit Corporation, which means that they’re holding themselves accountable to their values, the community, and our planet – not just their bottom line. They are also a Climate Positive business that offsets 110% of their annual carbon emissions to create a positive impact for the global community and for the benefit of the planet.

Thousand Helmets

Thousand and Atomic EV

Atomic EV is an authorised reseller of the Thousand helmet range. The helmets fill a niche in our extensive range of helmets, providing stylish half-shell helmet alternatives to our popular Triple 8 helmets.